Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Moving/Graduation Week!

This past week, Justin graduated college, and we have officially moved from Cleveland to Tuscaloosa!  Here area few pictures to sum up this crazy week!

So far, we have hung curtains, blinds, and moved and unpacked boxes and boxes of things.  I didn't realize we had so much stuff!  We both agree that we will never, ever move again ANY time soon. My sister, Kate, comes to visit tomorrow for a few days right after her last day of high school!  We are so excited to have our first houseguest!  

I honestly have not given too much more thought in the way of wedding planning with the move!  Hopefully I can get back on track within the next couple of weeks.  For right now, we are really enjoying the new house and hanging out with friends- a little taste of summer before the real world sets in again :)


  1. Moving can be SO stressful, but so worth it! Hope you & Justin are good. And so excited the wedding will be (probably) here! Yay! Let me know if there's anything I can do for you. (Seriously.. don't hesistate!)

  2. Lindsey! Thank you so much! We need to meet up and catch up soon!!
