Friday, July 13, 2012

Sweet Things

Sometimes, I have bad days.  Days where it's just one thing after another, like scary storms and scary bowling ladies.  This week has especially been hard on us with the passing of Justin's grandfather. One thing that never fails to make me smile are my pets.  Justin and I call them our puppy and kitty sons.  Whenever I get home, I just want to sit in the floor and hold them for hours.  I literally can't walk anywhere in the house without a parade of two maltipoos and a kitten at my heels.  They climb in my lap when I sit on the couch, and cry when I take a shower.  I have even put Gatsby in the shower with me one time because I felt sad because he was crying so much.  I'm a sucker.  But he was happy, so I was happy. 

I know I post pictures of my babies all the time on Facebook, but I am just in love with them.  Hopefully these will make you smile :)

Gatsby is literally obsessed with my mirror.  When he is looking at his mirror twin, nothing else matters.  I have to pick him up to get him to move out from in front of it!

Dexter (Mr. Kitty) loves Justin!  He snuggles with him all the time.  Sometimes I feel like he has a crush on him, because he seems to not be too fond of me most of the time.

The puppies have a love/hate relationship with bath time.  Gatsby is a little piggy and will eat and drink anything at any time (even though he's the smallest) so we really have to monitor how much food we give both of them so they don't become overweight.  That being said, Gatsby thinks bath time is "Let's try to drink all the bath water" time so he loves it.  Fitzgerald doesn't like bathtime so much and usually cries unless I talk him through it.  He seems to get messier than Gatsby does so he is definitely more in need of a bath!

The one person Mr. Kitty loves more than Justin is my friend Holly.  The animals call her "Naunt Nolly",  as in Aunt Holly, because they usually replace the first letter of words with "n" and talk with a lisp.  (I talk for the animals and have a special voice I use.  It's very hard to explain.  Ask Taylor Hall- she loves it.  Also, I am weird.)  We think Mr. Kitty loves Holly so much because she's tan and matches his fur, so maybe he thinks she's his mom.  He takes special liberty to cuddle with Naunt Nolly everytime she's over, whether he is invited or not.

This is Mr. Kitty loving Dad more than he loves me, as usual. ;)

This is my absolute favorite picture of Gatsby.  He looks like a sweet little man!  He is definitely a Momma's boy- no question!  Whenever I come home, he just wants to be cuddled.  He will not go to sleep EVER unless he is by my side or in my lap, and when he is scared, he hides in my lap.  I introduced the pups to the blowdryer last week so I could dry their fur after bath time, and Gatsby ran into my lap to hide, even though I was the one holding the blowdryer.  Crazy!

Whenever Mr. Kitty wakes up, Justin puts his hands under his little arms and helps him stretch.  It is the cutest thing in the world.  And then, Mr. Kitty yawns and I just want to die because it is too adorable for words.

Sorry for being crazy animal lady today!  But, who can't love these faces?  They bring so much joy into mine and Justin's life and we try our best to spend lots of time with them.  We research the best ways to train them, what the healthiest food is for them to eat, and how we can teach them to get along.  I even miss them when I'm at work.  I have never had my own pet, and I didn't know it was possible to love an animal this much! 

1 comment:

  1. I have a voice for willow, too. It's a deep, dumb voice with a little bit of a lisp... but Ray and I both think it suits her. haha. Dogs are the best
